Please visit Google Scholar to find the complete list of our publications. And representative papers in different research areas can be found below.
Haplotype Inference
- X Li and J Li. Haplotype Reconstruction in Large Pedigrees with Untyped Individuals through IBD Inference.Journal of Computational Biology, 18(11):1411-21, 2011. PMID: 21923410. (journal version of RECOMB11 paper).
- X Li, X-L Yin and J Li, Efficient identification of identical-by-descent status in pedigrees with many untyped individuals. Bioinformatics 2010 26(12):i191-i198 (ISMB'10 special issue).
- Li, X. & Li, J. An almost linear time algorithm for a general haplotype solution on tree pedigrees with no recombination and its extensions. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB), 7(3): 521-545, 2009.
- Jing Li and Tao Jiang. An Exact Solution for Finding Minimum Recombinant Haplotype Configurations on Pedigrees with Missing Data by Integer Linear Programming. RECOMB04, 101-110.
- Jing Li and Tao Jiang. Efficient Rule-Based Haplotyping Algorithm for Pedigree Data. In Proc. 7th Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB03), 197-206.
Association Mapping
- M Xie, J Li and T Jiang. Detecting genome-wide epistases based on the clustering of relatively frequent items.Bioinformatics 28(1):5-12, 2012.
- J Li, B Horstman and Y Chen. Detecting Epistasis Effects in Genome-Wide Association Studies Based on Ensemble Approaches. Bioinformatics, 27(13):i230-i238, 2011 (ISMB'11 special issue).
- Jing Li and Tao Jiang. Haplotype-based linkage disequilibrium mapping via direct data mining. Bioinformatics, 2005 21(24):4384-4393.
Structure Variation & Rare Variants
- W Wang, X Yin, Y-S Pyon, M Hayes and J Li. Rare variant discovery and calling by sequencing pooled samples with overlaps. Bioinformatics 29 (1): 29-38. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts645, 2012.
- M Hayes, YS Pyon and J Li. A model-based clustering method for genomic structural variant prediction and genotyping using paired-end sequencing data. PLoS One 7(12): e52881. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052881, 2012.
- R Azad and J Li. Interpreting Biological Data via Entropic Dissection. Nucleic Acids Research doi: 10.1093/nar/gks917, 2012.
Integration for Disease Gene Ranking & Target Prediction
- W Wang, S Yang and J Li. Drug Target Predictions Based on Heterogeneous Graph Inference, Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 18:53-64, 2013.
- Y Chen, W Wang, Y Zhou, R Shields, SK Chanda, RC Elston, and J Li.In Silico Gene Prioritization by Integrating Multiple Data Sources.Plos One 6(6): e21137, 2011.